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memoryleak  Feb 3, 2009 • 11:40:37pm
“I think this was a mistake. I think I screwed up.”

Ya think ?

Don’t let this guy near the launch codes.
Christus on a crutch, we’re going down in flames.
Thanks all you “Soccer Moms for Obama”.

Oh no...Sand People!  Feb 3, 2009 • 11:56:31pm

*LA / San Fran / Miami / New York burning in the background*

“In relation to Iran, North Korea, Russia, and China…uh… I screwed up, I’ll take responsibility for it to ensure that it doesn’t happen again. In fact I’m proposing a new tax…”


thgrant  Feb 4, 2009 • 1:53:45am

How many times Obama will admit fault? This seems like 1/3 of a campaign commercial.

SalsaNChips  Feb 4, 2009 • 3:58:57am

Reminds me of a Monty Python clip showing what follow up actions should be taken in the event of a “nuclear accident”.

A van driving slowly through the smoking rubble of a city while a tape plays loudly through loudspeakers attached to the top:

“Sorry! Mistake! Just a little slip up. Entirely accidental. Our bad. So sorry. SORRY!”

LOL. Wish I could find it on youtube…

DeafDog  Feb 4, 2009 • 6:04:17am

So is the Geitner appointment a screw-up too?

How is it a screw up to nominate a tax cheat to HHS, but a treasury tax-cheat is a good thing?

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